Welcome to the new Prosperity Village Area Association (PVAA) website! Why did we need a new site? Great question, thanks for asking!
This year, PVAA has been focusing on:
Area beautification and building a larger volunteer corps to supportKeeping YOU informed about all the development happening and/or being planned in the village.
(You can read updates on both of these efforts in the next few posts)
Reason 1: While social media communication has been an integral part of developing PVAA and keeping residents informed, this new blog format style will allow for more detailed updates...because sometimes there’s a lot to share and we need room to share it! But don’t worry, we won’t be writing dissertation-length updates, and there won’t be a test.
Reason 2: We continue to receive questions in social media about topics we’ve updated on before, it just might have been many, many months ago. We get it, sometimes there’s a LOT going on in the village and it’s challenging to keep up. We’re hoping that since this site provides a search function, going forward, it will be easier for YOU to find the latest information that we have on a topic.
We don’t want this to be just one more place you now have to go to for information. Our goal is to continue to use the social media outlets you love – Facebook, NextDoor and Instagram – for quick updates and reminders about events. When there is a new blog post, we will advertise it on social media and it will bring you to the blog seamlessly.
So that’s it! Thank you in advance for being patient through the growing pains! While you’re here, check out the calendar of events where we will list PVAA board meeting dates, community meetings, volunteer opportunities and events.
(Let us know what you think in the comments below.)